quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Author & Objectives

Hello, I’m a student of Tourism in ISLA, Superior Institute of Languages and Administration in Leiria.
This blog is a project work for the 3rd year of English course and its main objective is to promote a region of Portugal, in this case Guimarães, on what tourism is concerned. On this blog you will be able to find not only the main attractions, but also its fabulous history, gastronomy and surroundings.


Guimarães is located in the north of Portugal, on a region called Minho, the greenest region in Portugal and in an area that it is also one of the more industrialized areas of the country. It is located at 360Km from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal and 53km from Porto, and belongs to the district of Braga.It is the seat of a municipality with an area of 241,05 km² and 162 636 inhabitants (2008), divided in 69 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso, to the east by Fafe, to the south by Felgueiras, Vizela and Santo Tirso, to the west by Vila Nova de Famalicão and the northwest by Braga.


Being an important capital and the birth place of the nation, there are easy ways to get to Guimarães. The main accesses are by car, bus and train.

By car:
Using the current network of motorways, you can get from Porto to Guimarães very easily in only 30 minutes using the motorways A3and A7, from Braga to Guimarães in 15 minutes using A15, from Vigo (Spain) in 90 minutes using the motorways A3 and A7, and from Lisbon in 180 minutes using A1, A3 and A7.

By bus:
There are several companies that establish the connections between every point in Portugal and Guimarães, with direct or non-direct buses.
Urban transports in Guimarães:
By train:
The railway connection is made through an electrified line with direct an non-direct trains from every destination in Portugal. From and to Porto, the ride only takes 60 minutes.

Nearest airport

The nearest airport from Guimarães is the Francisco Sá Carneiro airport in Maia (Porto) at 50km distance. Through motorway A7 and A3, the airport is at only 35 minutes. This airport establishes connections to the major European capitals, and has also low-cost flights to the major central European cities. 


The city of Guimarães is historically associated with the foundation and identity of the Portuguese nationality. Guimarães, among other settlements, precedes the foundation of Portugal and because of its role in the foundation of the country it is known as the "cradle of the Portuguese nationality". Here took place the main military and political events that would lead to the independence and birth of a new nation. For this reason, it is written in one of the ancient city walls “Aqui nasceu Portugal” – Portugal was born here.

Guimarães was said to be the site of the Battle of São Mamede, which gave victory to the young Dom AfonsoHenriques, thus enabling him to gain independence for the CondadoPortucalense from the Kingdom of León. This paved the way for the founding of the Portuguese Nation.
“In the 11th century, King Afonso VI of Castile and León handed over the governance of the Portucalense Province to Count Dom Henrique, where the latter came to live with his wife, Dona Teresa, the illegitimate daughter of Afonso VI. From this marriage came a son, born in 1111, the boy who would become the first King of Portugal, Dom AfonsoHenriques.
Before Count D. Henrique died in 1114, he succeeded in obtaining for the villa Vimaranes (latin for Guimarães) special royal privileges for its residents.
On the 24th of June, 1128, the Battle of São Mamede took place, some historians claiming it was fought in the area known as the Field of São Mamede adjacent to the Castle of Guimarães. The battle brought together the forces of Dom AfonsoHenriques, who favoured independence from the Kingdom of León, against those of his mother, D. Teresa and her ally, Count Peres de Trava of Galicia (Spain). The battle was won by D. AfonsoHenriques, thus planting the seed for Portuguese Nationhood.
In 1179, AfonsoHenriques was granted the title of King of Portugal by Pope Alexander III in Rome.” (Source:www.cm-guimaraes.pt)


(Classified UNESCO World Heritage Site)

The enormous square tower surrounded by eight others with battlements dominates the horizon. It was built in the 10thcentury to stop the Moorish and Norman attacks, and it was enlarged by Henrique de Borgonha two centuries later. According to the tradition, it is said that this was the place where the 1st future King of Portugal, Dom Afonso Henriques was born.
The sink where it said that Dom Afonso Henriques was baptized remains in the small Romanic chapel of S. Miguel, west of the castle. The floor of the chapel is covered with large burial stones of knights who aided in the fight for nationhood.

Palace of the Dukes of Bragança
Built in the 15th century, by Dom Afonso, the 1st duke of Bragança, the Burgundy style of the Palace of the dukes reflects his tastes acquired while travelling through Europe. The Palace was empty when the Bragança family moved over to Vila Viçosa. In 1933, under Salazar’s dictatorship, it was renewed and transformed to be the official residence of the president.
In the small museum inside there are beautiful Persian carpets, Flemish tapestry and paintings, such as the impressive Cordeiro Pascal from Josefa D’Óbidos. Paying the usual tribute to the maritime achievements, the ceiling from the banquet room imitates the hull from a caravel.

Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira & Salado Monument
The ancient monastery is located on the eastern side of the square. Founded by Dom Afonso Henriques, the church was restored by Dom João I as a proof of gratitude for his victory in the battle of Aljubarrota. The Manuelin tower dates from 1515. In front is the Salado Monument, it is a Gothic reliquary that shelters a cross.
This monument was built in the 14th century by Dom Afonso IV to commemorate the victory at the Battle of Salado. It also commemorates the legend that gave name to the church and the square. An olive tree was transplanted to the site to provide oil to the lamp of the church’s altar, but it withered. Then in 1342, the merchant Pedro Esteves had put a cross in it, and the olive tree blossomed. The olive tree that is in the square nowadays dates from 1985.

Old Town Council Chambers
This hall, the Antigo Paços do Concelho, traces its origins to a building from the 14th century.


Guimarães has a lively cultural schedule with many exhibition centres, museums and popular festivals that you shouldn’t miss.
Alberto Sampaio Museum:
This museum installed in the magnificent Romanesque cloisters and adjoining rooms of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, displays a rich collection of pieces from the 14th, 15th and 16th century, such as religious art, tilesand pottery from local churches. But the main pieces are one rare vest that was used by the king Dom João I in the battle of Aljubarrota in 1385, a silver altarpiece from the 14th century including a triptych with the Visitation, the Annunciation and Nativity, captured the from Spanish king.
Sociedade Martins Sarmento:
The Martins Sarmento Society (Sociedade Martins Sarmento in Portuguese) is one of the country oldest institutions dedicated to the study and preservation of archaeological artifacts. The society owns two museums: the Archaeological Museum of the Martins Sarmento Society, which is known by its prehistory and protohistory collections and also its numismatics and epigraphy collections; and the Castro Culture Museum which is dedicated to the castro culture

Vila Flor Cultural Centre is the main cultural venue in Guimarães where take place many live performances.
On the Multipurpose pavilion you can expect almost everything. It can be a congress pavilion, a sports arena or a stage where you can see musical performances.
The São Mamede Centre of Arts and Performance (C.A.E.) is what its name suggests: a place where you can see all sorts of art performances.
Of course that beyond this cultural offer, there are also other activities that are on the cultural agenda of the city and take place throughout the year.

Guimarães – 2012 European Capital of Culture

In 2012, Guimarães will be the European Capital of Culture. Therefore there will be even more reasons for you to visit Guimarães. Music, cinema, photography, fine arts, architecture, literature, thought, theatre, dance and street art will be sweating through every pore of the city, and will be the promoter of Europe’s cultural diversity, revealing its creations and welcoming those from other countries.


The fact that since its beginning, Guimarães had a feminine monastery made much influence over its regional gastronomy, specially its confectionery. "Tortas de Guimarães" (Guimarães' pies) and "Toucinho do céu" (normally translated as bacon from heaven) are a good example. Besides the customary Minho gastronomy, the so called "meat" cake is made here, which is a kind of bread in a pizza shape served with pig, sardines or other toppings.


-The Gualterianas festival, in honor of Saint Gualter, take place since 1906 in the first weekend of August. The "Cortejo do Linho" (Linen parade) and the "Batalha das Flores" (Battle of the Flowers) are part of the festivities which are ended by the "Marcha Gualteriana" (Gualteriana march).

- "Nicolinas" are the festivities of the students of Guimarães, celebrated in honor of Saint Nicholas. The festivities start on the 29th of November and finish in the 7th of December. They are composed by different celebrations, the "Pinheiro" is the one with most participants in which after a dinner in the city restaurants, the participants parade the streets of Guimarães playing the "Toques Nicolinos" tune in drums. Lately, it has been suggested that the "Nicolinas" should be contending to be UNESCO cultural heritage.

The Santa Luzia festivities in honor of Saint Lucy take place annually in the 13th of December, near to the chapel of Santa Luzia. The selling of traditional cakes made of rye and sugar, which are called "Sardão" and "Passarinha" (these names have sexual connotations in Portuguese). According to the tradition, a boy should offer a "Sardão", which has a phallic form, to the girl and if the girl was interested in dating the boy, she should retribute with a "Passarinha".


Penha Sanctuary
The Penha Sanctuary is placed on the Penha hill, and can be seen from the city. To get there, there is a cable car that provides amazing views from the city of Guimarães and the sanctuary itself. On the Penha hill, in addition to the Sanctuary, there is a wide range of infrastructures, such as camping, mini-golf, fitness circuits, walking and areas in the shade of leafy trees, restaurants, bars and cafeterias.
Penha Sanctuary

Citânia de Briteiros
The Iron Age settlement of the Citânia Briteiros is one of the most impressive archaeological Portuguese sites. It was excavated by Martins Sarmento who dedicated his life to the Iron Age, and where we can see the foundations of 150 homes, which some of them were rebuilt.
From the fourth century BC to the fourth century AD the site was inhabited by Celtiberians, but it must have been under Roman domain from about 20 BC. A network of trails takes visitors to paved streets, underground cisterns and water pipes.