quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011


(Classified UNESCO World Heritage Site)

The enormous square tower surrounded by eight others with battlements dominates the horizon. It was built in the 10thcentury to stop the Moorish and Norman attacks, and it was enlarged by Henrique de Borgonha two centuries later. According to the tradition, it is said that this was the place where the 1st future King of Portugal, Dom Afonso Henriques was born.
The sink where it said that Dom Afonso Henriques was baptized remains in the small Romanic chapel of S. Miguel, west of the castle. The floor of the chapel is covered with large burial stones of knights who aided in the fight for nationhood.

Palace of the Dukes of Bragança
Built in the 15th century, by Dom Afonso, the 1st duke of Bragança, the Burgundy style of the Palace of the dukes reflects his tastes acquired while travelling through Europe. The Palace was empty when the Bragança family moved over to Vila Viçosa. In 1933, under Salazar’s dictatorship, it was renewed and transformed to be the official residence of the president.
In the small museum inside there are beautiful Persian carpets, Flemish tapestry and paintings, such as the impressive Cordeiro Pascal from Josefa D’Óbidos. Paying the usual tribute to the maritime achievements, the ceiling from the banquet room imitates the hull from a caravel.

Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira & Salado Monument
The ancient monastery is located on the eastern side of the square. Founded by Dom Afonso Henriques, the church was restored by Dom João I as a proof of gratitude for his victory in the battle of Aljubarrota. The Manuelin tower dates from 1515. In front is the Salado Monument, it is a Gothic reliquary that shelters a cross.
This monument was built in the 14th century by Dom Afonso IV to commemorate the victory at the Battle of Salado. It also commemorates the legend that gave name to the church and the square. An olive tree was transplanted to the site to provide oil to the lamp of the church’s altar, but it withered. Then in 1342, the merchant Pedro Esteves had put a cross in it, and the olive tree blossomed. The olive tree that is in the square nowadays dates from 1985.

Old Town Council Chambers
This hall, the Antigo Paços do Concelho, traces its origins to a building from the 14th century.

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