quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011


-The Gualterianas festival, in honor of Saint Gualter, take place since 1906 in the first weekend of August. The "Cortejo do Linho" (Linen parade) and the "Batalha das Flores" (Battle of the Flowers) are part of the festivities which are ended by the "Marcha Gualteriana" (Gualteriana march).

- "Nicolinas" are the festivities of the students of Guimarães, celebrated in honor of Saint Nicholas. The festivities start on the 29th of November and finish in the 7th of December. They are composed by different celebrations, the "Pinheiro" is the one with most participants in which after a dinner in the city restaurants, the participants parade the streets of Guimarães playing the "Toques Nicolinos" tune in drums. Lately, it has been suggested that the "Nicolinas" should be contending to be UNESCO cultural heritage.

The Santa Luzia festivities in honor of Saint Lucy take place annually in the 13th of December, near to the chapel of Santa Luzia. The selling of traditional cakes made of rye and sugar, which are called "Sardão" and "Passarinha" (these names have sexual connotations in Portuguese). According to the tradition, a boy should offer a "Sardão", which has a phallic form, to the girl and if the girl was interested in dating the boy, she should retribute with a "Passarinha".

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